Every year there are new trends that encircle the technology market that companies should be aware of so that they can employ the same in their services. Similarly, in the arena of web designing, where users are getting sharper and smarter, companies must always stay up-to-date to be able to maintain their brand reputation.
This especially applies to Web Designing Companies in Dubai, since the city is a hub for businesses from all over the world. Some of these trends that a Web Designing Company in Dubai must ensure to incorporate are as follows.
1. 3-D Illustrations: A Web Designing Company in Dubai must understand that the graphics on a website is what attracts users to look further into the entire website’s content. Web designers should be looking forward to adding depth and realness to graphics that blurs the boundaries between the digital and physical space.
2. Smart Logo Designs: The year 2019 saw the transition of brand logos to cleaner and simpler versions. This makes the appearance of the website more pleasing to the users’ eyes and draws more of their attention.
3. More Interactivity: If a website is not interactive, they are not great. Even though a website looks beautiful, has great user retention and engagement ratio and offer great user experience, without interactivity, websites are just stale products.
4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots: A Web Designing Company in Dubai must be proficient in the skills of working with AI and chatbots since these elements are exceptionally clever and competent. This web development trend is increasing because numerous customers opt for communicating a company by using the live chat feature.
5. Typography: This feature is another factor that plays an important role in attracting visitors. Many fonts, serif and sans-serif, are going out of style today, which is why web designers must maximise the use of typography that appeals to visitors at the blink of an eye.
6. Call To Action (CTA): It’s not enough to get visitors to your website; you must also be able to convert these visitors to leads and prospects. Hence, a Web Designing Company in Dubai must leverage the use of the CTA element like “Call Us Now”, “Contact Us” or even “ Talk to Us” to engage visitors and convert them.
7. Use Bold Colours and Gradients: Instagram did it and now it’s time for companies to make the leap and incorporate bold colours in their websites to catch the attention of the visitors. Choosing a beautifully bold colour or gradient is going to make your website stand out. Additionally, the colour will also make your brand pop.
8. Meaningful Animations: Though animations have been used by website designing companies for a long time, in 2019, these animations have to be applied with a purpose. Using small animations is going to create more focus on your content.
So, these were the trends that a Web Designing Company in Dubai must use in 2019 that can help create more brand presence. Incorporate them and make your website as eye-catching as possible.